Wednesday, February 17, 2010

02 Blazer Front Suspen Blueprint To Replace Front Disc Pad On A 02 Chevy Blazer Which Bolt Do I Remove The Stationary Or Adjustable One ?

To replace front disc pad on a 02 chevy blazer which bolt do i remove the stationary or adjustable one ? - 02 blazer front suspen blueprint

first with a screwdriver to push the plunger all the way back to the pad is aligned with the clip and you can not see the pistons. then remove the Allen screw in which the caliper slides. they can slip rubber bands around it over the clamp on the caliper on usury account.


CV9516 said...

There are two screws on each caliper. One top and one on the bottom. If your work on the passenger side, cut the wheel on the left side for easy access. Turn right onto the side of the driver. Use a C-clamp to compress the brake piston remover and then the two screws that hold the clamp. Find videos for the operation of the piston-pill, you can respect the re-use only on how the book clip. Put new pads on, tighten and increase penalties on the other side. Remove the two clips at once. By compressing a piston, the others go too. Remember that the pump brake B4 You Drive Away!

kelly_f_... said...

I remember well when the head Allen and two .. . Remove Remove top Thrustmaster skates again, then remove the screws or pins to increase the size of either head Allen or 1 / 2 dont think that has pins, but most are just after the capture of the screw or bolt of a judge It is both the outer edge. ... They are a type of adjustable slide interval

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